8th GRADE- Ms. Butler
7th GRADE- Mr. Reyna
Requests for meetings can be made either by email or by filling out our counselor-meeting link on our homepage or by emailing Ms. Butler at jbutler@pasadenaisd.org or Mr. Reyna at PReyna@pasadenaisd.org
Schedule changes will be made on a limited basis considering extreme circumstances after a conference with the counselor and/or assistant principal. Schedule changes are reviewed on a case by case basis. If you would like to request a schedule change please click here.
Please click on the link to provide the counselors with information regarding the type of assistance you might need.
Report card reprints are done through the Registrar’s Office.
The student may select classes from a district approved list during registration for their 8th grade year.
The best way to get into an athletic period is by talking to that team’s coach and/or attending tryouts once they are announced.
See the Attendance Office for information regarding absences or check your Skyward Student Access.